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5606 Cartersville Rd    Berea, Ky  40403     859-925-4641

Location & Contact

Physical Address:
5606 Cartersville Rd   
Berea, Ky 40403

Mailing Address:
PO Box 1041
Berea, Ky 40403

Church Office Phone:

Pastor Phone:

Pastor Email:

Service Times

Sunday School:  10:00 AM
Sunday Worship:  11:00 AM
Sunday Evening:  6:00 PM
Wednesday Evening:  6:00 PM
Listen to us on the radio
Sunday mornings at 9:00 AM on WCBR 1110 AM or WCBR 93.7 FM

Meet Our Pastor &
Pastor's Wife

Bro David Stewart
Bro David Stewart
& Wife Tina

 Upcoming Events            February
20th  Ladies Craft Night
22nd Men's Brotherhood 


 Feb. 2nd -  Sunday School - 10:00 AM
                   Morning Worship - 11:00 AM
                   Evening Service - 6:00 PM

Feb. 5th- Business & Prayer Service 
                                 6:00 pm

Feb. 9th- Sunday School - 10:00 AM
                    Morning Worship - 11:00 AM
                    Evening service
 - 6:00 PM   

Feb 12th- Bible Study & Prayer Service
                                6:00 PM

Feb. 16th - Sunday School - 10:00 AM
                      Morning Worship - 11:00 AM
                      Evening Service - 6:00 PM

Feb. 19th- Bible Study and Prayer Service
                                   6:00 PM

Feb. 20th-Ladies Craft Night  6:30 PM

Feb. 22nd.- Mens Brotherhood & Breakfast

Feb. 23rd - Sunday School - 10:00 AM
                       Morning Worship - 11:00  AM
                       Evening Service - 6:00 PM

Feb. 26th -Bible Study & Prayer Service
                                      6:00 PM


Our Ministries

Adult Sunday School 10:00 - 10:45
Youth Sunday School  10:00 - 10:45
Sunday Morning Worship  11:00  - 12:00
Sunday Evening Worship  6:00  - 7:00
Wednesday Evening Bible Study  6:00 - 7:00


We want to share the gospel through a playground mission, so we built a multi-generational playground for adults and kids to come and play together. We're blessed with a beautiful park-like setting that is peaceful and relaxing.
Our goal is that families will engage in dialogue about the Bible, the Bible's History, and get excited about learning about Salvation through
Jesus Christ our Savior.
This playground was a labor of love to share with our community and built by several of our own members who are professional builders in KY.
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